Wednesday 2 December 2015

Coconut Macarons

* 250 g. Grated coconut 
* 250 gr.sugar 
* 6 egg whites 
* 1 vanilla
* 125g coconut extra for sprinkling

1. Make the meringue with 6 egg whites, add slowly 250g. sugar, then vanilla and finally 250g. coconut whisking gently to combine. Make balls, put in greased grease-proof paper and let rest 15 minutes. Sprinkle with a little coconut.
2. Put the pan with the macaroons in the middle grill and top and bottom put a same empty pan. Bake for 10-15 'at 160 golden.

Coconut Macarons

* 250 g. betel
* 250 gr.sugar 
* 6 egg whites (separated by at least the day before and kept in the refrigerator)
* 1 vanilla
* 125g coconut for sprinkling

1. Make the meringue with 6 egg whites, add slowly 250g. sugar, then vanilla and finally 250g. coconut whisking gently to combine. Make balls, put in greased grease-proof paper and let rest 15 minutes. Sprinkle with a little coconut.
2. Put the pan with the macaroons in the middle grill and top and bottom put a same empty pan. Bake for 10-15 'at 160 golden.

Coconut delights


500 g. grated coconut
1 can condensed milk

coconut for sprinkling

preserved cherries halved (shelf with fruit Glasse)


Just as with snowballs knead the two ingredients together and then we create cookies by making a small well in the middle with our finger to hold the icing.

Place some of the mixture in a piping bag with the largest Nosel just give it the correct shape you desire and place on sheet with greaseproof paper.

Put the icing if we want we roll in coconut we have apart or sprinkle over a little.

Do not leave space between them because they do not inflate at all, they are not supise to swell. They took me 24 pieces medium 

 Bake in oven at 150 degrees for 15 minutes until golden brown. 

Sunday 29 November 2015

Souzoukakia stuffed with feta and Kassery Cheese


500 g. minced beef meat
Two gloves of crushed garlic
2 tbs olive oil
1 tsp cumin
2 slices stale bread
1 cup. Mavrodafni or any good red wine
freshly ground pepper
1 cup of feta cheese crumbled 
1 cup of thickly grated Kassery or any yellow cheese of your choice
1/2 bunch of fresh parsley 

For serving

For the sauce
1 kg grated tomatoes
2 tbs olive oil
1 tbsp paste
1 pinch of sugar
2-3 grains of allspice
1/4 tsp of Cinnamon or half a stick 
1 tsp of cumin powder
1 tsp of sweet paprika powder 
Freshly grated black pepper

For the almond pilaf
2 tbs butter
3 tbsp of crushed almonds with out the skin 
2 cup of Jasmine  rice
4 cups. hot water or broth

Soak the bread in the wine. The squeeze and place in bowl. Add all the ingredients of minced meat and knead together until fluffy minced.
Mix together the cheeses and chopped parsley add some black pepper and mix well until it's all combined in to a firm mixture. 
Simultaneously boil together all the ingredients of the sauce for 15 minutes until the sauce thickens. Dip hands in wine and mold into small meatballs and flatten it down and with a small spoon add a small amount of the cheese mixture in the middle of the meatball and shape in to oblong meatballs and placer hem in a well greased oven tray and sprinkle some olive oil over them and bake for 20min minutes to brown. When meatballs have browned take out of the oven and pore the red sauce on top of meatballs and cover with airfoil and place in moderate oven for a further 20min 

For the Almond rice

Brown the butter with almonds in the pan. Preheat the oven to 200ÂșC in the air, on the middle rack and heat the pan. Pour in the hot pan butter and almonds, add the warm water or broth and rice and cook for 25 minutes, stirring 1-2 times.